Configurable wall traction bar

EQBARRA Components
EqBarra is made entirely of WOOD and features the only metal components as the screws and joints necessary for attaching the bar supports.
The tool is therefore composed of:
– 1 bar with double ergonomic grip
– 2 supports, both with two holes to adjust the insertion of support sticks
– 1 long stick
– 2 short sticks
– 2 ‘long’ vertical bases to screw in with metal interlocking
– 2 ‘short’ vertical bases to complete screwing to wall or support structure
Eqbar lends itself perfectly at home between door jambs, and is an optimal solution for various combinations, high for traction or low for SPALIER type.

- EqBar was created to replace the classic wall traction bar.
- It allows the configuration of different supports at different heights by means of interlocking WOODEN BRACKETS.
- This allows you to perform pull-ups by focusing the thrust on one arm but having an extra support.
- It offers an ergonomic double grip, one rounded and one cut, to work on finger strength.
- It also lends itself to use at pelvis height, becoming to all intents and purposes a bar with which to perform holds and evolutions in safety at medium height.
- EqBar is completely made of wood, except for the screws needed for assembly.
- It can be embedded in the wall or set up on an external wood and steel support.
Below are some configurations of the equipment and exercises to be performed with it:

EqBar is an optimal tool for stretching the back muscles and unclenching the vertebrae.
Standing in suspension is a fundamental natural movement of the human being, an ancestral gesture as old as the history of our species: a gesture that immediately connects us with our roots.
A movement as simple and natural as arm suspension and/or swinging also has enormous benefits for our health and strength. Our bodies are designed to hang, swing and perform all movements that rely on this ability (such as climbing).

The bar traction exercise is the multi-joint exercise par excellence for the back.
EqBar allows you to perform this exercise with one hand while providing lateral support at a different height in order to facilitate movement progression.

The bar traction exercise represents the multi-joint exercise par excellence for the back.
EqBar allows you to perform this exercise with one hand while providing lateral support at a different height in order to facilitate the progression of the movement.The pull-up exercise at the barre represents the multi-joint exercise par excellence for the back.
There are two main techniques with which this exercise can be performed: prone grip and reverse or supinated grip. EqBar allows you to perform these exercises with two different grips on a wooden surface.
This helps to improve the strength of our grip in the hands.
The short, lateral, wooden PALETS help with the one-arm pull progressions.

Suspension and rotation
EqBar also helps to perform rotations with an optimal grip due to its ergonomics.
Suspension exercises combined with rotation help maximise muscle lengthening and vertebral stretching.
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